Interview With Matej Juric, Division I Basketball Player and Lfa Alum
May 2, 2019
How was your first basketball season at Drexel?
“My first season at Drexel was definitely eventful. It was filled with both highs and lows. I started the year with an injury to my back during preseason training camp that forced me to miss roughly 2 months. Because of it I missed the first 6 games of our season. However after that I slowly got back into playing shape and was able to earn some minutes. At first I didn’t play much, which was expected being that I am a freshman but coming straight from an injury didnt help my cause either. However I kept working hard to try and earn more minutes and I ended up starting the last 4 games of the year. Overall we were inconsistent with our performances as a team, as we finished the year with an overall record of 13-19. I believe that our record isn’t a clear indicator of just how good we can be. Hopefully next year we can play at the level we all believe we’re capable of playing.”
What did you guys do in preparation for the season in terms of training beforehand?
“In terms of preparation it seemed like an eternity before we actually got to play an actual game in front of people. I first got on campus in late June and basically from June until the beginning of November we trained and worked out with minimal breaks in between. A typical day during the summer would include a small group workout with people that play your position in the morning, followed by a workout in the weight room in the afternoon and then in the evening the whole team would scrimmage for about an hour and a half. Once school started the workouts were slightly reduced but nevertheless were still very demanding physically.”
What advice do you have for LFA athletes looking to continue their athletic careers in college?
“For anyone that is looking to continue playing sports in college my advice to you is that you have to constantly work hard and push yourself to try and improve in your sport. There are so many people out there who want to play college sports but not everyone is willing to sacrifice some of the things that are necessary in order to achieve that goal of being a part of college athletics. If you keep working hard something good will come out of it, and even if it doesn’t at least you can say you gave it your all.”

Can you tell me about the awards you received from your basketball coach?
“This year at our annual team banquet I was presented with two awards from this past season. The first award was given to me for being voted as the best defender on the team. It really caught me off guard because there are several really good defenders on our team and I definitely did not think I would get it. The second award I got was the academic award, given to the person with the best results in the classroom. For this, I must admit I owe a big thank you to all of my former teachers at LFA. It only became clear to me this year how lucky I was to be taught by all my former teachers since the way they prepared me made my first year in college a lot easier than I expected it to be.”
What have you learned from your coaches at lfa that has helped you/stuck with you the most at Drexel?
“I think the main thing that I learned from my coaches at LFA, mainly Coach Koncz and Coach Wetherbee, was how to work hard and to take advantage of any opportunity that might present itself. I spent countless mornings before class with both Coach Koncz and Wetherbee trying to improve my skillset. Not only that but Coach Wetherbee and I would sometimes go on 5 mile runs at 5:30 in the morning in order to make sure I would be in the best shape possible. Safe to say this will to work hard and stay prepared ended up helping me earn a scholarship because when the time came to play in front of college coaches I felt like I was prepared the best I could be.”
What are you looking forward to most next season?
“Next season I look forward to hopefully winning a lot more games and ideally winning our conference tournament which would guarantee us a bid in the NCAA tournament.”