How do I beat the Stu lines? I’m always hungry and can never get food fast enough!
When trying to beat the lengthy queues, I would recommend either asking your friend who has lunch earlier than you to save a spot in line or asking a teacher if you can be excused early to get lunch. Ultimately, LFA’s food supply is very abundant and they will not run out of food. So, don’t worry about waiting in line – the food will still be there when you get to the front!
How to prepare for the SAT?
A lot of students – especially juniors – struggle with this. I would recommend joining the SAT prep club at LFA, buying an SAT prep book, or getting a tutor. LFA teachers and your advisors can recommend many tutoring companies such as Compass or Academic Approach. I would also recommend taking as many practice tests as possible because practice makes progress.
How to tell someone they smell bad without being rude?
When addressing potentially uncomfortable conversations, I would always try to find a private location to carry them out. This prevents embarrassment and lets the other person know you genuinely care about them. Then, assure them you are saying this for their benefit and if you were smelly you would want them to tell you. Most of the time, the person will be grateful for your honesty and let you know. However, if they do take offense, at least you did the right thing.
How do I handle arguments in a relationship without making things worse?
This can be very tricky and nerve-wracking. However, with the right communication skills and confidence, you can do this seamlessly. First, you have to voice your opinion and why you are upset. Then, most importantly, you have to equally listen to the other person’s point of view. If you still don’t understand them, try taking some time to think and talk again the next day or week. Lastly, when talking about conflicts with your significant other, make sure to let them know that despite your differences you still care for them very much.
How to rizz up someone?
The answer is: it depends. If they aren’t your friend, you have to start getting a little closer to them. Start by making conversation. Even if you don’t want to talk to them, or are scared to, you have to realize that nothing positive can happen to them if you don’t break out of your comfort zone. After that, try to get a vibe of how things are going. If you can tell that what you feel isn’t being reciprocated, move on. It’s going to hurt more and more the longer you are chasing someone who doesn’t see you in the same way. At that point, you are digging yourself a deeper hole. If it’s going well, start asking to hang out with them, just as friends at first. If all goes smoothly, and you think they feel the same way, ask them out. If it works, great! If it doesn’t, be happy about how they made you feel and be sad that it’s over but move on. Now, if they are your friend, things are a little different. Continue to be the same version of you. They already see you for who you are, and like who you are, so why would you change something in hopes that they see you a different way? If they don’t want you for the person you are, then they aren’t the right person for you. Make sure your feelings for each other are known, if one likes the other and hides it, it would make it worse for both of them. Just continue to be yourself, and remember, don’t love anyone else unless you love yourself. If you go searching for love, you won’t find it. It has to come naturally, and it will. The more you force yourself to endure this never ending search for an impossible outcome, the worse it will be. The endless nights, the overthinking, all of that happens if you chase. Don’t chase.
How do I have a successful first date?
From experience, try to do something fun and not boring. While some may enjoy sitting down at a cafe or restaurant for 2-3 hours, I certainly don’t for a first date. Who wants to feel as if they’re forced to sit there and talk to the other person, especially if you haven’t even met or talked to them in person before? It’s better to do some activity that can be fun for both people, doesn’t make the silence seem awkward, and keeps one another busy — not bored…
What should I do if my best friend and I are drifting apart?
When my best friend and I were drifting apart, it was a pretty hard time for both of us. He was in a relationship, and I hated it. I felt as if she was stealing him away from me. In my situation, we drifted apart from each other, but after some time, both of us apologized, and we are best friends again. Friends drift apart for all sorts of reasons, whether they just stop talking, or have a big fight. If you truly believe that your friendship is worth fighting for, do it. Keanu Reeves said, “If you don’t fight for your love, what kind of love do you have?” Just have an open, heart-to-heart conversation with them, without being rude, as the more hurtful things you say, the less likely your friendship will continue. Sometimes, being with your best friend is all the therapy you need.
What’s the best way to handle LFA drama?
Ignore it. I’ve been ignoring it for four years now, and it made my experience here much more worth it than if I didn’t. If you’re involved in it, just find a way to get out. This community is so small, where everyone knows each other and their businesses. At the end of the day, this school is like “Gossip Girl” — just another school caught in a whirlwind of drama. So, do not fret if people are saying things that are either true or not about you or your friend. You’ll thank me later.
How do I handle rejection?
Rejection is not a good feeling, but admittedly, it’s a part of life. No matter who you are, at some point, you will face rejection, whether it be from a crush, a job, or anything, it is a necessary skill to have. The best way to deal with rejection is experience. Get used to hearing “no.” Sure, it’s going to hurt, but all of the “no’s” will make the “yes’s” that much better. If you live your life in fear of rejection, you won’t be able to take risks, get out of your shell, and perhaps meet the person who wants you, or have the job that wants you. Talk to as many people as you can, and just get it into your system. People will say no, and you can’t dwell on it. Move on and try again. There are people out there, jobs out there, that will accept you, and rejection is a major part of that journey. If you find it challenging to get out there and look rejection in the face, it could be beneficial to talk to a loved one or a school counselor about that. You know that they will always say yes. You can also find something to keep you busy to help you forget about what happened.
What’s the best way to stay positive when school feels overwhelming?
That’s a good question. Oftentimes, especially for upperclassmen, school can be very overwhelming. The constant workload, the never ending days, and the stress of sports can be a heavy load to handle. In order to rid yourself of much of that stress, as less stress would make you more positive, be sure to get most of your work done. After doing something that you don’t want to do, you will feel much better. After that, do something that makes you happy, something that can relax your mind for a little bit. For me, it’s going for a drive, playing a video game, or just calling my friends. Allow yourself to relax, and take a breath, you’ve been doing a great job this year, and you will continue to succeed.
How do I stop procrastinating on assignments?
Make an organized to-do list ahead of time, create some morals for yourself, and stick to them. Done and dusted. Lock in.