The Real Reasons We Go on Spring Break Trips
April 1, 2016
Why do we go on Spring Break trips? Is it for an experience, is it to go to an interesting place, or is it just because you have nothing to do? Personally I feel there are a few main reasons we go on these trips. One of them is to enjoy our Spring Break with our friends and to make new friends. We go on trips to enjoy being around people you ordinarily wouldn’t be involved with, as a way of escaping your inner circle and gaining new experiences.

Junior Patrick Dwyer and Sophomore Andrej Hromic enjoy a nice day in the sun at Sydney.
During my Spring Break I went to Australia and New Zealand with the school, and enjoyed almost everything we did there. Whether it was visiting a Maori village and learning the Haka –a famous Maori war dance performed to put fear in their opponents– or going to Toranga Zoo and seeing Koalas and Kangaroos, there always felt like we had something fun and interesting to do. Yet the most enjoyable moments of the trip was the down time. I found that the times people really got to learn about each other on the trip was when we were either on a train, bus, or walking to the next sight. We got to just talk about what was going on in each others lives, and just enjoy the company. These moments are the times I will most remember from the trip.
I know that many feel these trips are great learning experiences, which they are, but the main point I believe is to have fun and to do fun things. We want to try new experiences that we can’t find at home. I found this very evident in my trip. I got to hold a koala, ride luges (luges are similar to go carts, but they have no motors and the tracks only go down hill), and surf. All these experiences I never could’ve done at home. These fun activities allow for people to try different activities, good and bad. It allows for adventure to occur and experiences to be had.

World History teacher Sam Wold is ecstatic throughout his ride on the luges.
The reason we go on Spring Break Trips is for one main reason, to gain an unforgettable experience that one can always look back on fondly. Spring Break trips are a great way to stay in a learning atmosphere while also being involved in numerous enjoyable activities. With Spring Break trips we don’t have to worry about applying this to a certain aspect of school. We can just enjoy the atmosphere, and appreciate what we’ve done. Spring Break trips allow students to step outside the classroom and engage in their surroundings.