Stretching Into the New Season
December 6, 2018
During the winter over 100 students at Lake Forest Academy find themselves either lazily going up to the gym and touching the weights for about 10 minutes, or deciding to take a season off instead of doing a P.E. However, this winter there is a third option, one that will simultaneously help you relieve stress and become a better athlete. That option is the yoga P.E. The class is taught by Ashley Kolovitz. Kolovitz, who has been practicing yoga for almost nine years and believes it is the best way to relieve stress.
“I was looking for something to help relieve stress and anxiety, but also a way to move my body in an easy and gentle way that would feel good,” said Kolovitz.
Her yoga P.E. has become very popular, with roughly 20 people participating every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Kolovitz has practiced many different forms of yoga, but believes the one that she is teaching the students of LFA to be her favorite.
Kolovitz has been teaching Hatha yoga, which is a basic form of yoga that not only allows those practicing to flow through the movements, but also allows for the participant to meditate during the session
“I like yoga that has a more meditative quality to it,” said Kolovitz
Charlie Shattock and I who took the yoga class certainly agreed with her opinion. After completing the strenuous activities before hand, the ending meditation session allowed us to unwind and get in touch with our minds. We both opened our eyes feeling refreshed and relaxed.
The meditative quality of yoga has been very beneficial to the students taking the class. MJ Alexander, a soon to be Division One hockey player has really enjoyed her experience in yoga after school.
“It’s helped my days after shcool feel less stressful,” said Alexander.
Each time Alexander has attended the yoga P.E. it makes her want to come back even more the next time. Playing an outside sport gives Alexander less time to hang around after school, but yoga is one thing that excites her every Tuesday and Thursday.
Kolovitz’s goal for her students is to really become mindful and present after a hard day of schoolwork.
“Their daily lives can be really stressful, they are focusing on getting into the right college and doing well on a test,” said Kolovitz.
Kolovitz has brought many methods from teaching inside the classroom to her yoga studio. She offered the class in the fall and winter of this year, and is planning on offering it next year as well. Kolovitz understands that in both areas of focus, you will only get out what you put in and she tries to explain that to her students inside the classroom and the yoga studio.