Keeping up With Fitness During Isolation: The TeamBuilder App, Workout Videos From LFA’s Trainers, and the Drive To Stay in Shape

Photo by Darrin Madeley

The weight room may be empty, but there are still plenty of ways to stay active.

Garrison Sloan, Staff Writer

For the last month or so, we’ve all been forced to stay inside, and this has likely led to a lot of us being on our couches a lot more than usual. While the typical amenities of LFA’s gym, weight room, and practice fields may be off limits for the foreseeable future, it is important that we all find a way to get some physical activity at home.

Because spring sports have been canceled, the LFA Athletic Department has now mandated that all students download the TeamBuildr app. What you do, however, is completely up to you, so let’s go over some ideas on how to stay active.

It’s important to always make sure to get in some cardio, anything that gets your body moving and blood pumping. Thankfully, there are several great ways to get some. If you want to take it light, going for a walk is fine. Use the opportunity to maybe explore a new nature trail in or near your neighborhood (while adhering to social distancing guidelines as well, of course). Personally, with a lot of time on my hands, I’ve enjoyed taking my dogs for long walks around the neighborhood. However, just walking every single day is probably not going to cut it. Try and maybe increase your pace, or even run or bike some days. Or, if the weather doesn’t cooperate, you can always use exercise equipment at home if you have that available, such as a treadmill, exercise bike, or rower. However, always remember, if you’re going to exercise outside, make sure to maintain at least six feet of social distance to other people, or wear a mask or bandanna if you don’t think that’s possible.

Beyond that, just getting some simple strength training in every day can go a long way. I know that sounds intense, but really, all I mean is try to do maybe a dozen sit-ups or push-ups when you have a free moment. Little things like this do add up, and it’s much better than just doing nothing.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to stay active, there’s multiple sources available from the school. Weight room Trainer Eric Ball has been uploading workout videos on the LFA Instagram account weekly. His workouts are simple and can be done without the use of any weights or exercise equipment. Trainer Dave Atas has been offering “Flexibility Friday” videos, and students have been invited to utilize other opportunities as well, like Michele Vaca’s Zumba classes, screen-casted by means of Zoom from her house. And, of course, there are plenty of other options when it comes to fitness apps. There’s a variety of different options available on the App Store or Android Store that can give you methods to work out and stay healthy.

No matter what you do, it’s important to find something to do in the first place. With many of us having a ton of free time on our hands, let’s not just sit around all day to wait this quarantine out. Get up, and get moving! You won’t regret it.