Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Shylee Saladi, Managing Editor of Production

Many people see the color pink and think “girly” or feminine. In actuality, the color pink represents determination, perseverance, and strength. October 1st signifies the start of breast cancer awareness month or “Pinktober” To show alliance and support, the color pink is worn and displayed to support every man and woman’s fight against breast cancer. October is an entire month that is devoted to increasing breast cancer awareness outside of the cancer community. 

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation was the first organization to start handing out pink colored visors to breast cancer survivors running in Race for a Cure in the 1990. After starting this movement, the foundation handed out pink ribbons to everyone at the New York City race, which was the first use of a ribbon to signify their support to breast cancer and breast cancer awareness. The pink ribbon started out as a moment and turned into a movement for years to come. It shows support for women and men who have had breast cancer or are going through treatment to fight it.

A major aspect of October and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is raising money for new treatments and prospective clinical trials for earlier detection so that the patients that are battling breast cancer have a better chance at beating it. The money that is raised for breast cancer goes directly to funding treatments for those who have metastatic cancer or stage IV cancer. Breast cancer is not like any other illness, after you receive treatment or surgery, there are months of being in remission and still receiving treatment.

For many breast cancer survivors, October and the color pink represents their strength and determination to fight this battle. Breast cancer doesn’t only affect the person who has it, but the entire family as she/he goes through their treatment process. The families of breast cancer patients are the ones who want to find a cure for their loved ones more than anyone else since they are the ones that have to see the struggles they are facing.

To wear pink, in any form, in alliance with the breast cancer community shows just how many people are supporting those who have to go through this fight alone or with their families. The color pink was chosen to represent Breast Cancer Awareness Month since it symbolizes health and empowerment, which is the ideal symbol to support the cancer community.