VOX Concert and LFA’s Music Program

Cynthia Li and Harry Luo

“Inspired, innovative, and fun,” commented Sally Stephenson, the Director of Orchestra, on the music program at LFA. Music programs in high schools are considered to be an educational program that is highly beneficial for students in behavior, social skills, and creativity. The music program at LFA provides a stable platform for students to expand their interests in music. LFA offers music education of instrumental, vocal, and electronic music courses, as well as extracurricular activities such as VOX, Co-Ax, and the jazz band. More than one fourth of LFA student body participates in a music program here at LFA.

LFA students perform. (Photo by LFA communications )

VOX, one of the music clubs at LFA, held its last concert for the school year on April 20th, 2022, which was a great success. VOX is led by Peg Plambeck, the Adjunct Voice Instructor in Fine and Performing Arts, as the major director and Timothy Plambeck, the Director of Music, as the pianist. “They work endlessly to help us improve,” Flora Zhai 22’, a LFA senior in VOX, Co-Ax, and choir, said. The 35 students in VOX meet every Monday in Cressy for rehearsal. “No matter how good at singing you are, as long as you are confident and you have a stage presence, VOX is a place for you to shine,” Zhai expressed. VOX performs in a Fall and Spring concert each year. In addition to singing, VOX  is known to showcase fancy choreography and dialogues that excite the audience visually and musically. 

In addition to VOX, there are various extra curricular clubs at LFA that also exemplify the student body’s musician talent. Co-Ax – a student and faculty rock band – performs during All School Meetings and hosts two Co-Ax concerts per school year. Furthermore, the Jazz band is also an extracurricular group that plays classic jazz pieces and original arrangements. Aside from the traditional clubs, students are also encouraged to initiate their music groups, such as the Sound of LFA, which performed at the international talent show, as well as the Spring concert.

Along with clubs, LFA also provides music programs as regular art courses, joining students’ academic life with notes and rhythm. Orchestra is composed of students who have instrumental performance backgrounds and look forward to performing a variety of instrumental music pieces. During the Spring concert on April 26th, the orchestra collaborated with EME, the Electronic Music Ensemble, to display the fusion of classical and modern music. EME offers students opportunities to explore and advance in electronic music creation.

Another course that LFA offers is choir, which provides exceptional and enjoyable vocal performance. The choir is involved in major school events such as Parents Weekend and the Winter concert. In addition, it provides a Curricular Travel to New York and other US destinations each year to perform and attend concerts. This year’s Curricular Travel was unique due to the pandemic; students were able to perform “A cappella, unaccompanied music…all over New York city outside,” stated by Mr. Plambeck – the head of Choir at LFA. Whether in front of the 9/11 Memorial museum or right outside Madison Square garden, students enjoy the travel and the performances during the trip.