LFA’s Sports Requirement and Some Thoughts on It

Photo by Harry Luo

Lake Forest Academy’s Glore gym is a popular practice spot.

Harry Luo    , Managing Editor of Production

The athletics program at LFA is sophisticated in that it considers the students’ lives and needs; however, more students can undoubtedly improve and support it by it giving more freedom to athletes. Some rules should be changed to favor more students, such as sports cuts, options, and uniform policies.

LFA requires three sports credits for freshmen and sophomores (with at least one team sport credit) and two sports credits for juniors and seniors (with at least one team credit). This causes difficulties for students with little athletic talent because they can be cut from various teams and only be offered PE credits for multiple seasons due to the limited space on each team. The competitive nature of team sports only makes it harder for students with little athletic abilities. 

One way to solve this problem is to offer more student-led sports teams that are less competitive that can also be complementary to competitive sports options. This generally offers more space on teams and more options for team sports. The opportunities also offer more leadership positions and create more chances for students that want to participate in team sports without excessive skills, introducing minimal requirements on frequency and duration of meetings and the intensity of practices, alongside adults’ supervision. These student-led teams have the potential to advance to the next level, for example, by participating in national competitions. Moreover, these student-led teams can bond students with little athletic abilities to the sports community more as they engage in sports themselves.

Aside from the sports credit requirements, certain changes should be made to the current uniform rules. LFA provides corresponding sports uniforms for the students participating in each team sport. Students get their uniforms at the beginning of the season and eventually return all athletic gear people have used and borrowed as it ends. As people return their uniforms, a certain number of uniforms are damaged, lost, and stained every year, causing inconvenience and extra work for the Athletic Department. If students receive a uniform that is personalized and customized with their own names on the back, they will more likely to take care of their belongings more efficiently since the specificity of the object would be a motivation for them to devote more attention and take more responsibility to keep them in good condition. The budget for this can be charged from each student’s student bank. 

Certain adjustments like financial help can be flexible to make.  Allowing students to have ownership of their own personal uniforms would not only reduce the probability of losing the uniforms but also encourage them to take care of their belongings better during the sports season. The student may gain involvement by owning the uniform instead of borrowing it, thus being more formal during daily practices and games. The uniforms can also be used for commemoration after the season or even the high school life for graduated students creating more bonds between teammates. Thus, customized uniforms are beneficial because they foster responsibility and remembrance.