A common term heard all around Lake Forest Academy’s Campus is “That’s so LFA.” This term is typically used to describe something so outstanding and over the top that LFA does or offers for their students. There are countless examples of this such as playing Mario Kart during all school meetings as a house cup event, where all the students gather in Cressey to participate in a variety of different activities from stacking cups to jump roping.
LFA isn’t a normal school, therefore we offer and do things that are pretty uncommon at other schools. The Academy strives to make sure each individual student has a positive experience. A survey was sent out where the student body was polled on experiences that people have had that were considered “so LFA” such as having a reindeer on campus right before Christmas break, having Santa on ice, and, food trucks on campus during the fall and spring season.
One of the newer additions of LFA that is “so lfa” is that of end of semester treats. With all the parents that come together and make endless amounts of every possible sweet you could think of, it is hard to imagine a school community that cares more about the students. While students are stressed over exams and worrying about what will come next, to have just about five minutes to walk around with a little bag while all the generous LFA mom’s give you the most thoughtful treats you could ask for, such as cookies, cupcakes, fudge, dumpling and so much more, the only thought is “this is so lfa.” The parents are not paid for this, but instead contribute their own time and resources just so that the students will have a little moment of fun during such a stressful time. Especially during exams where the self pressure can become very intense, having a group of parents that care enough to make so many treats is almost like a big hug that says “you can do it!” which is “so lfa.”
This is not the only event that feels “so lfa.” The all school handshake is probably the most “lfa” thing there is. Although it is pretty common now that most students when asked by potentially new families, alumni or really anyone that asks “what is your favorite thing about lfa” will answer with an enthusiastic “the all school handshake”, what if that’s just because it is. As all students stand in a huge circle and walk around the formal gardens, shaking hands with every single person while overlooking the Caxy pond and the beautiful view of Reid, there really is not anything more LFA. It is a stellar example of LFA’s tight community as well as exhibiting the beautiful campus we get to experience each and every day that is just so lfa.
Many students have fond memories tied to these events and look forward to these campus wide traditions and look forward to what might be offered in the future.