How do I get ready for prom? Give me the full run down.
This is hotly contested, but I’ve always believed in this specific order: makeup, hair, outfit. Makeup first, so that you can take your time with it, and so foundation doesn’t spill onto your beautiful outfit. Then hair, which in my experience, takes much less time then makeup. Lastly, outfit, which should only take a few minutes, and will complete your transformation.
How do I manage my time as a second semester junior with many extracurriculars when I often don’t get home until 10pm?
Try making a short to-do list (e.g. three main objectives) so that you are steadily making progress without the intimidation an overwhelming agenda can lead to. Also, please prioritize sleep! Carve out time that is solely dedicated to you and practice self-care. Go on an outing with your friends, and even request time off if you’re experiencing intense burn out. Quality of life will only empower your ability to reach your goals. Everything will pay off.
I’m being cyberbullied in online poker 😔, are there any other hobbies you recommend I adopt?
Pick up something a bit more creative, like crocheting, drawing, or reading. These won’t deplete your bank account (though my collection of yarn would disagree), and these activities can’t be mean to you, since they are inanimate objects.
How do I get out of the cycle of listening to the same songs on my playlist?
The playlist rut is all too common but surprisingly easy to fix. If you are a Spotify user, check out your Daylist. Everyday, Spotify makes you a playlist with some of your favorite songs, and some they think you may enjoy. That way, you can still listen to the same songs you love, and you don’t expose yourself to too much new music, as that can be overwhelming. If you are an Apple Music lover (lame), try finding one new album to listen to, and add that to your playlist. Keep checking out new albums that are similar to what you love, until you’ve got a brand new playlist.
Apple Vision Pro yes or no.
No, purely due to the price. Buy tickets to the Olympics instead.
Unless that is… you wish to see a (ghostly) AI rendering of your model on Facetime or hope to train your fingers in the art of tapping floating letters that too often do not accurately sync up with the motion of your eyes. So maybe, really do try it out.
How can I take care of my luscious succulents?
Because of the wonderful succulent sale recently, it seems everyone around is caring for their own baby succulent. Here are a few tips on how not to kill your succulent.
- Make sure they have sunlight! Succulents love indirect sunlight, so as to not burn their precious leaves.
- Water succulents! This may sound simple, but it’s surprisingly easy to forget. Water your plant once a week, and water the soil rather than the leaves, so the roots of the plant get the drink they require.
- If possible, get a soil mix for your plant! Succulents don’t want to be in the boring dirt. Instead, they want a nutrient rich soil that helps them grow.
- If all else fails but you still have an urge to plant, buy a philodendron, which thrives on neglect. Perfect for anyone with a green thumb that seems to be blue instead.
Is Greek life real and how does it work?
Phenomenal question. We have no answers.
On another note, we hear there’s a lengthy (and questionably torturous) initiation process until you suddenly find yourself the new sibling to hundreds of other recruits or in shambles with a big X across your application.
On another another note, Greek life does appear to be somewhat real as over 650 American universities are home to such. Plus, depending on the nature of the sorority/fraternity, you may find yourself forming lifelong bonds with your fellow sisters/brothers or a sprawling network of alumni that also belonged to… some configuration of alpha, gamma, epsilon, omega, etc. At its very beginning, these cryptic Greek letters served to intensify the “exclusivity” of these “secret” societies too! Take your time if you decide to apply or join the rushing process, and remember, rejection is redirection.
What should I do if I know I’ll miss school for a week? And can we have another HOS day?
Another HOS Day would probably require otherworldly forces to suddenly possess the body of our beloved Head of School, Chris Tennyson. But one can hope.
As for missing school, definitely contact all your teachers well in-advance to stay both aware and on-top of what you’ll be missing. Schedule meetings if needed, regularly check Canvas and your email, and you’ll be golden.
What do you do if no one reads the advice column?
Oh… This feels pointed. Though we have no experience with this problem, we would say to keep persevering, because maybe your advice column is super funny and cool and helpful. Even if people don’t appreciate it now, they will.