Lake Forest Academy is an institution oriented around the four guiding pillars of responsibility, character, citizenship, and scholarship. These pillars are key in reminding students of the behavior that they should strive to exemplify, and this year, LFA is working to expand their influence, using a new approach that recognizes students for their exceptional commitment to the pillars: pillar pins.
Beginning in 2024, four students – one named for each pillar – will be publicly recognized during morning meetings and awarded a pin for their positive actions. Students may also be independently recognized by their teachers, and they will be handed a pin without being put under a school-wide spotlight.
According to Jennifer Rundles, Dean of Students, the pillar pins were created “to remind people who we are and emphasize our foundation.” She adds that they wanted to “make it [the pillars] not just something that sits on the wall.”
The purpose of giving out the pillar pins is to honor students at LFA who have made a strong impact on the community and are exemplifying the four pillars. Which not only points out students who are academically outstanding. Students who earn a pin will have their picture displayed in the glass cabinets of Upper Corbin, where they will remain for the rest of the month. With encouragement from the pillar pins, students will strive to follow the LFA pillars so that they too can be rewarded.
While students can get pillar pins from the teacher or student nominations that happen once a month during morning meetings, this is not the only opportunity for pins to be distributed. When a student does something individually in a class or team that represents one of the four pillars, a teacher or a faculty member can request a pin for them.
This month, Krish Bahadur ‘26, was recognized for the citizenship pillar pin. Rundles said, “he is not only a good citizen to the school, but also a good citizen to the world.” Krish specifically presented this value of citizenship by continuing to work with the service learning organization—Service and Learning Together, also known as SaLT. At the same time, Krish also encouraged other students from LFA to join him, and this further showed his positive influence on the community.
The pillar pins initiative at Lake Forest Academy is crucial for fostering a culture that emphasizes the school’s core values. This program recognizes students who may otherwise go unnoticed, recognizing their good deeds and positive contributions to the community.
The pins also offer a sense of motivation for other students to strive towards embodying these pillars themselves. This approach not only honors current students but sets a precedent for future generations, ensuring that the values of LFA remain a guiding force.
The hope is that this recognition can continue to boost the confidence of the recipients while also motivating them and other students to continue their positive efforts to be the best students possible. Through this collective effort, it is anticipated to have a more engaged student body that actively makes an effort to harbor a safe space for everybody on campus.